How have your political views changed over time?
Political views change over time and over one’s own personal evolution and experience. It is more an empirical approach than a real quest even though some persons political beliefs and opinions stem less from a situational awareness than a psycho rigid defense of self perceived privileges or belonging to a class. There’s also a professional bias when it comes to profess a political opinion for a living without giving a cent about it in private. That’s a striking feature of the technocracy and professional politicians.
As far as I’m concerned, I followed a somehow classical path. After being attracted by anarchism when in high school, I was briefly seduced by cynical philosophies and but ended into cold headed pragmatism with a real interest in some global issues. After all these years, I woke up last Friday thinking over my political beliefs and I was stunned to find out apart a comfort zone within libertarian ideas I have none. This was a paradoxal moment in my life because everyone who know me think I have clear cut political views. Actually my old fashioned analytical mind is too sharp to have any dogmatic political view and to assess and reassess permanently what I perceive as reality. In fact I’m so obsessed reality don’t really exist and that’s what determine my views on some political issues. Call it relativism or whatever, I’m unable to be dogmatic in an ever changing reality.
I would like to take this prompt to thank Matt Mullenweg for his ideas and his belief in freedom, especially in these troubled times where inquisitors and censorship fanatics want to annihilate any critical mind.
Thanks Matt!
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Source: Lire l'article complet de Strategika 51