Ces actes ont été commis après la grande marche pacifique pour Donald Trump le 15 novembre 2020 à Washington DC
Activistes #BlackLivesMatter #Antifa #Racisme
Agresser les personnes âgées et les familles
Intimider, menacer, violenter.
Radical Left ANTIFA SCUM was easily rebuffed today by the big D.C. MAGA Rally crowd, only to return at night, after 99% of the crowd had left, to assault elderly people and families. Police got there, but late. Mayor is not doing her job!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2020
ARRESTED: BLM Thug, And Registered Child Sex Offender, Who Sucker-Punched Trump Supporter [VIDEO]
Antifa thugs attack peaceful Trump supporters following ‘Million MAGA March’ in Washington DC
Mouvements radicaux et terroristes
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Source : Lire l'article complet par Miniver 1984
Source: Lire l'article complet de Miniver 1984