Internet calls Trudeau 'creepy' after telling mothers to leave room so he can talk to children

Internet calls Trudeau 'creepy' after telling mothers to leave room so he can talk to children

Trudeau a des propos très bizarres

Trudeau stepped outside Rideau Cottage on Saturday for a press conference, looked directly into the television, and asked the mothers watching the segment to leave the room so he could talk to their kids alone.  

And there was no shortage of people who thought Trudeau’s words were a bit weird, if not completely creepy and off-putting.  

Paul Joseph Watson summed it up:

Paul Joseph Watson✔@PrisonPlanet

Not creepy at all.

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Here is another:

Anna Slatz | အန်နာ@YesThatAnna

fixed it

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And here:

Frλ͎ncis ☣️ (✔@francispouliot_

This is the exact moment when Justin Trudeau asked mothers on TV to leave the room so he could talk to their kids.

What a creepy fucking degenerate.

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Caleb Hull✔@CalebJHull

did he just…

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 · Arlington, VA

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The video was part of an effort to get children to do something for their mom on Mother’s Day, but it was nevertheless a very odd way to convey an otherwise decent message.

Source: Lire l'article complet de Vigile.Québec

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